
Course of Studies in Wigs, Make-up and Special Make-up Effects for Stage and Screen - Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) / Master of Arts (M.A.)
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Britta Schönhütl
Lecturer Crossmediale Medienproduktion
Dr. Thomas Schramm
Lecturer History of Musical
Floris Schuller
Lecturer Special effects
Christina Schulze
Lecturer Staging Analysis
Cornelia Schweitzer
Lecturer Speaking
Frank Selzle
Lecturer Stimmbildung/Gesang
David Shiner
Lecturer Acting Role Pantomime Clowning
Katharina Siebers
Artistic collaborator Lecturer Character development theater/film
Dr. Petra Simon
Lecturer History of Art
Prof. Daniela Sindram
Lecturer Vocals
Andreas Sippel
Lecturer Speaking