At the Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding, we have a special commitment to exchange and cooperation with international universities. Students have the opportunity to become acquainted not only with different aesthetic traditions, but also with the diversity of international theatre systems and the associated production methods and occupational profiles. For the Theaterakademie, that means initiating and supporting interdisciplinary programme and projects that offer a variety of networking opportunities.
Central to the Theaterakademies international exchange and cooperation is its active membership of the networks ENOA (European Network of Opera Academies) and E:UTSA (Europe: Union of Theatre Schools and Academies). Through close contact with a total of more than 30 partner institutions throughout Europe, students have the opportunity to take part in various workshops and projects, as well as international productions and guest performances abroad.
Since June 2018, the Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding has also been a member of the Erasmus+ exchange programme, which enables students and lecturers to spend whole semesters or shorter working stays in countries all around the world.
The Bayerische Theaterakademie August Everding is also open to international guests, for example as part of bilateral exchange programs within the two networks ENOA and EUTSA or in cooperation with the Gothe Institut.
Study in Munich
Information for foreign students / Erasmus incomings
Constanze Sünwoldt
International Relations
Tel.: 0049 (0)89/2185-2908