Workshops for students

Thursday, 16 June 2022

  • 10:00 - 10:30
  • 10:00 - 14:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: Activism and Artistic Freedom

    Again and again there is a controversial discussion: Where are the boundaries of art - what is art, what is it allowed to do? How are artworks connected to author and audience, how are they responsible for them? (Why) is art freer than culture? In this workshop we want to develop a basic feeling for the limits and possibilities of art freedom in activism and artistic work as a free space - by discussing, observing and actively working with them. We want to design concrete artistic strategies, take apart precedents and help each other out with experiences. So: think art as transformation and develop an artistic toolbox for activist contexts. 
    Direction: Isaiah Song-Gil Rüschenschmidt, Lea Würtenberger 
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 10:00 - 14:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: Antira/Critical Whiteness.

    In this workshop, you will learn basic awareness about anti-racism, discrimination and critical whiteness. This intersectional workshop will provide basic knowledge from the history of racism to anti-racist empowerment to contemporary neo-colonialism. Non-white perspectives as well as critical whiteness will be addressed. There will be enough space for questions and reflection. 
    Direction: Amrei Weinhöppel, Achim Waseem Seger 
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 14:00 - 14:30
  • 14:00 - 18:00

    Machines as creative counterparts in artistic space
    Can a robot improvise, or develop its own character? We want to approach these and other research questions in a 4-hour workshop through practical engagement with the industrial robot "Arka". We will first immerse ourselves in the technical basics together, and then conduct independent experiments with the robot in small groups. The goal is to inspire our own creative work after a joint exchange of experiences.
    Leader: Markus Schubert Creative Code
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 15:00 - 18:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: DRAMA! Reflection space for young theater makers
    With DRAMA!, the lin and the Acting program at HMTM Hannover, students of directing, dramaturgy and acting at the Theaterakademie Hamburg stage their own theater texts. In lived contemporaneity, future theater generations discover their own themes, dreams and nightmares. Initial working relationships are thus forged, certainties examined, debates made possible; In a reading workshop, two teams of authors, directors and dramaturges present their working methods and discuss with the participants the possibilities of a joint, hierarchy-free, self-determined work.

    Direction: Sabina Dhein Director Theaterakademie Hamburg, John von Düffel Author, dramaturge and professor for scenic writing at the Berlin University of the Arts, Eva-Maria Voigtländer Dramaturg and lecturer Theaterakademie Hamburg and students of the Theaterakademie Hamburg:

    With Wibke Charlotte Gneuß student scenic writing, Till Doğan Ertener student direction and Mascha Luttmann student dramatrugy

    With Guido Wertheimer student scenic writing, Musa Kohlschmidt student direction, Amelie Lopper student dramatrugy
    In cooperation with the Hamburg University of Music and Drama
    Duration: 3 hours
  • 15:00 - 16:30
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: Inclusion in theater and no training in sight

    What are the prerequisites for more diversity in the theater? How can actors with a disability become more visible and appear in the cultural scene at all? The focus is on two questions: How does a transformation of the views of both theater makers and audiences happen, and what would a sound training of future actors with disabilities at state drama schools look like? An overview and workshop on the development and state of the art of inclusive theater and current training opportunities using the EUCREA program ARTplus as an example.
    Direction: Jutta Schubert EUCREA/Diversity Projects  
    Duration: 1:30 hours

Friday, 17 June 2022

  • 10:00 - 10:30
  • 10:00 - 14:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: E-Textiles - An Introduction 

    In this workshop you will get an introduction to the world of conductive yarns and fabrics. You will learn about various electronic components that you can use with textile materials and techniques, as well as a microcontroller board specifically designed for use with textile materials. I will show you how to program the microcontroller through the Arduino IDE and then use it for costume work, for example. Together we will design and sew first samples in this workshop as inspiration for further work. 
    Direction: Yvonne Dicketmüller
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 10:00 - 14:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: Wearable AR - Textile Image Markers for Augmented Reality Applications 

    Augmented Reality makes virtual objects visible in the physical world. In addition to the technical basics, the workshop will provide a costume design approach to the technology: specially made image markers made of fabric link AR with the human body and make virtual worlds wearable. Participants are asked to bring a smartphone, laptop and computer mouse. An installation guide for the Game Engine Unity will be sent in advance. If you like, please bring a (sorted out) piece of clothing that will serve as a basis for your own textile marker. 
    Direction: Luise Ehrenwert 
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 13:30 - 14:00
  • 14:00 - 18:00
    WORKSHOP FOR STUDENTS: Interactive Props: Microcontroller basics for (theater) creators.

    Microcontrollers are the proverbial "ghost in the machine": electronic components that allow program code to interact with the real world. Their uses are endless, from simple lighting controls to coffee machines to interactive art installations. This workshop is aimed at creative people who would like to dive hands-on into the world of physical computing without any prior knowledge. Using simple examples, the basics of programming and electronics will be taught largely without mathematics or physics. As a "bonus" for theater and art professionals, practical tips will also be given on how to use DIY technology on stage and in an artistic context. 
    Direction: Johannes Bereiter-Payr 
    Duration: 4 hours
  • 14:30 - 17:30

    Whether on the subway, in a pub or at a festival, whether consciously or unconsciously, obviously or subliminally: degrading language, disadvantageous treatment or assaultive behavior continue to be the rule rather than the exception in our everyday lives. Discrimination such as racism, sexism or transphobia often remains uncommented and rarely results in consequences for those who act. BIPoC, FLINTA+ and LGBTQIA+ individuals in particular therefore sometimes move in public spaces with feelings of fear, insecurity and heightened vigilance. Therefore, this workshop will help to create a broader awareness of different forms of discrimination among participants as well as strategies for action in dealing with / to avoid assaultive and discriminatory behavior - so that together we can create safer spaces for all.
    Direction: Franzi Deege (he/they) Booker, Promoter and Tourdriver at FAUCHKRAMPF! - Music Agency For Angry Feminists and at Kafe Kult Munich
    Duration: 3 hours